Winston Dookeran is a patriot or he may not have had a choice given the current popularity of Kamla Persad Bissessar. Then again it could have been because he lost membership to the UNC when Mrs. Bissessar ascended to the power in the UNC. What about Finance? The UNC has Jack Warner and it seems like some of the big financiers behind the COP have shifted to the UNC. Winston Dookeran leader of the COP - a patriot or was he forced to accede to the might of the UNC?
Mr. Dookeran is no fool and as a matter of fact is one of the smarter persons in politics today - an intelligent economist who once controlled the Central Bank of Trinidad and Tobago. Indeed the COP may not have the resources of the UNC and it is a fact that in order to make this Alliance work he may have had to make decisions that make him look weak; but then again politics is all about positioning and making the right moves to achieve the goal of governance.
It appears that Mr. Dookeran has made sacrifices and it has been reported in the Trinidad Guardian newspaper that he was instrumental in securing "crucial roles for Makandal Daaga, Ashworth Jack and Errol McLeod during bargaining late last week". We now have a very interesting slate of candidates lining up to fight the political might of the PNM and the architect may just be Mr. Winston Dookeran. No political entity every has the perfect slate of representatives but it is possible that with this group of candidates in place victory could finally be achieved - anything is possible. If this should happen just remember that it was the wisdom of one Winston Dookeran who ensured that someone had the vision to rise above petty politics and act like a true patriot, sacrificing much, to achieve the greater good.