Trini Egg Have More Yellow

Yes Cro Cro sang about it, but everyone knows that common fowl eggs have more yellow that the eggs in the US – ENT!!??

This post is not really about the yellow in the Trini eggs but then again we could have a discussion about that however, I want to talk about Trini Treats – you know the ones that you craved when you were a child growing up in the homeland. Hold on now, I think the same could be said for all Trinis living abroad. Someone you know is coming for a short visit and the question is, “Wha' yuh want me to bring for yuh?” This person obviously did not listen to Cro Cro

So how about some anchar (not amchar and cuchella to make this foreign food taste better – that is a start but then again we need to get something for that sweet tooth. Maybe some red mango or red plum the sweet one and the peppered salty one will do. Hold on now we also need some toolum, sugar cake (not the cut up coconut ones …yuh know bring dat too), kurma (I like the crunchy ones) and when yuh in the airport get some doubles please.

Well we can’t forget the classic parched corn with brown sugar and cinnamon aka Chilli Bibbi (too much too quickly and yuh will be coughing up a storm). Oh gosh and before I forget we need some sorrel or ginger beer or better yet some ponche a crème to wash all of this down. Gosh Trini Treats are the best!

"Well I ent bashful eh, but can you please bring me a box of Royal Castle chicken with the crinkle cut fries. Lord I miss those days and now that I have the time to reflect I have to admit that 'fast-food' is the best after a few Carib beers (and yuh head just right). Just make sure that you put lots of ketchup eh". I don’t want to be too long but I am sure you know where my brain is heading. Drop a comment or two or better yet put together a short paragraph and I will post it here for you.

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