Jessie at large in Trinidad
This title may not be appropriate but it sure felt good saying it and surely on the day the event took place it was really a party on the white line. For those whom are not familiar with “D Rim” just know that I recently returned home after spending a few years in New York and now work in the Arouca area – and that is where this event took place.
Arouca, beautiful Arouca boi yuh don’t know what yuh missing until you get back to the source the place of your birth. I had so much apprehension because of the bad reports we kept reading in the news paper about the crime and resulting deaths that I feared retuning home. However for the Independence Day holiday several business men and some old friends and the government Minister, Neil Parsanal organized this street blocko-rama. We had twelve bands performing from Golden Grove Junction to Lopinot road – it was like carnival. We owned the road giving us the right to party on the white line. We had the Laventille and T&TEC riddum makers performing at the Moon Rock Restaurant where I now work. It was great!
The event started at 5:00 pm and went until midnight. The entire event was well organized and well attended. People returning from the airport were pleasantly surprised with the music and jam sessions taking place – gosh I wish you guys were here to feel the vibes, to enjoy the thrill of listening to pan jamming one after the other from one junction to the other. The event was crime free with the police doing an excellent job. Some of the officers were well known in the district but on this day if you called them you were ignored that is until they dropped in to the bar to sneak a beer or take a strong one. I ent complaining, because they walked their beat and kept the peace and the result was no crime was reported. Crime is all over the world but it seems like we have it the worst in Trinidad – that is if you read the newspapers that seem hell bent on making the country look bad.
I know that I am all over and the party got left behind but this really bothers me because there is crime all over the world. The thing is just about everyone coming into the bar has his own interpretation of the law – they confuse everything and in the end make us all look like idiots. Since I returned home I can tell you that I am pleasantly surprised with the improvements that I have seen. I have to tell you guys this … I eh see no recession here nah… money flowing just the same way after Prime Minister Manning say loosen the belt…LMAO. Well that is my small report hope it helps to put things in perspective. Until next time, this is Jessie aka D Rim at large in sweet T & T saying so long for now.
This Story was submitted by Jessie aka D Rim