What was the name of that song?

Imagine you turned on your radio/computer to hear the latest Soca rhythms and you just managed to catch a piece of a ‘captivating’ track and right there you decide that you have to get it - but what is the name of the song? I guess you will have to wait a while before you get to hear the name of the track and the singer again because not all the DJ’s/on air personalities provide the information before and/or after the song is played - this is a very frustrating experience for listeners.

There are so many new songs being released and played by the stations but very little information about the singer and song. Your next bet is to check the station’s website for a play list, top ten/top 20 lists or a list of the most requested songs. Again frustration and you are left wondering how long it will be before you hear it again. Well there are options available.

You can log on to http://www.trinijunglejuice.com/socamusic.html where you will find a list of the latest/most popular releases with the song and artist listed. Oh and by the way, you can listen to the entire song.
So until the administrators of these radio stations organize their websites to cater to the web surfers and artistes they will continue to experience missed opportunities to capitalize on the web rave. In the end it results in another opportunity lost - 'no web hits' mean no advertising dollars will follow.

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