Delicious 'Comess' in De Kitchen

When I was a very young Trini many moons ago my brother and sisters liked going into the kitchen and experimenting with the sweet stuff. As a matter of fact all the kids in the neighborhood used to experiment and come up with similar treats. One should take note that the following mixtures all started when we graduated in  t'iefin' milk and sugar (yummy).

Black Poof was one of my favorite treats. We used to take the cocoa powder and mix it up with either Frico or Klim (powdered Milk just in case yuh don’t know) and add some brown sugar and the result was heaven and coughing too eh (if yuh greedy and want to eat too much too quickly).

Black Ting was another that was somewhat messy but even better than Black Poof. We took Milo or Ovaltine and mixed it with condense milk and a little powdered milk for body and what a delicious mess that was … Yummy. Of course we were screamed at on more that one occasion for 'wasting' the Milo but in the end the craving and delight was even better that any "clout or coco tap" we received as punishment.

Hey what ‘comess’ did you create back in the day? Drop a comment or two or better yet put together a short paragraph and I will post it here for you. You can send the draft to

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