Canada's New Polymer Bank Notes | Funny Money?

Canada's new polymer bank notes |Secure, Durable, Innovative!

The future is close at hand and it appears that the Canadians are forging ahead with the introduction of new polymer bank notes. This new currency may soon become the standard bearer across borders as nations attempt to stem the tide of counterfeiting that has plagued so many bank notes across the World.

Today we have a choice of using paper money or plastic (credit cards) to pay for items purchased however, if the Canadians have their way (and it appears that this new note is a brilliant idea that may soon catch on) then the main source for payment would be 'plastic'!

The new notes are loaded with security features and (by today's standards) should be very difficult to counterfeit. One worthy feature is that you can mistakenly wash your money and not cringe that you may have destroyed the notes.

The concept of these notes is simply brilliant and the fact that the notes are already in production means that the future is now. Welcome to the new frontier!

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