Breaking News "Parliament Dissolved in Trinidad"

The Prime Minister of  The Republic of Trinidad and Tobago has advised the President to dissolve Parliament thereby leading to General Elections two years before it is constitutionally due. That means an election date will be announced soon.
Even thought there were rumors that this was possible, no one really thought that the PM would have done this so soon after the Uff report. The report that was delivered presented  information that points to managerial ineptitude or just plain corruption in the manner in which UDeCoTT disbursed the treasury purse.  Some sectors of the population are in shock but already the call-in shows are showing evidence of party fanatics calling in ready to defend the ruling party and enable the PM to get a new mandate from the people. In the last General elections the PNM won with a commanding position but they lost the popular vote. Today there is clear indication that there will be a united opposition to fight the election and this should make for a very interesting outcome now that more people are unhappy with the current administration's performance. Interestingly this means that the no confidence vote on the PM that would have taken place in Parliament tomorrow is now null and void - smart move Mr. Prime Minister. Don't flinch and keep an eye on the news and your ears peeled for the latest information coming from the twin island republic!

A news release from the Office of the prime minister, issued this afternoon, states:
"In accordance with Section 68 of the Constitution of the Republic of Trinidad and Tobago, the Honourable Patrick Manning, Prime Minister of Trinidad and Tobago today advised His Excellency, President George Maxwell Richards to dissolve the Parliament of the Republic of Trinidad and Tobago with effect from midnight, Thursday, April 8, 2010.
His Excellency, President George Maxwell Richards TC CMT Phd has issued the relevant Proclamation."
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