"On Meh" | Jadel Legere

This one is titled "On Me" and should not be confused with "Wine on Meh" by Traffik featuring Jadel. This one is a production of Madmen. It was produced, mixed and mastered by Madmen Productions - the Island Pop producers out of Sweet TnT!
What we know is that she has the looks and yes she can hold a pose... now you have to be the judge regarding her singing abilities. Does she look a little like Destra? What do you think?

Is her voice unique or does she sound like someone that you have heard before? Well if you have an opinion, please leave a comment that will be listed on the comment thread for this posting.

This post was updated to show the production notes for this song. Let's keep an eye (and an open ear) for music from Miss Legere.

Production Notes:
Written and Sung by: Jadel Legere
Band: Caribbean Traffik Jam
Recorded & Produced by: Brennon Vergil for Val MUSIK`
Mixed and Mastered by: Kasey Phillips of Precision Productions

Please be advised that the music is presented here for your listening pleasure and for promotional purposes only ("Fair Use" Musical Content Copyright Disclaimer Under Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976). Lend me your ears... Enjoy!
♫ Please press the play button (below) to listen (small triangle in circle).

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